Many people assume that because Javascript has the word "Java" in its name, it is related to Java. While some people find this combo irritating, others believe it is merely a marketing tactic.
Despite the fact that they are not identical, each of these plays an important part in the IT sector. Continue reading to learn more about Java vs JavaScript. Major connections and differences between Java and JavaScript have also been covered in this article.
Java is a cross-platform, class-based, general-purpose programming language that may be used to create a wide range of applications, including web applications, mobile apps, big data technologies, and so on. To make the language secure and trustworthy, it integrates object-oriented programming ideas such as inheritance, encapsulation, abstraction, and others.
The Java Virtual Machine, or JVM, is another fundamental component of Java. Java Virtual Computer (JVM) is a machine that converts bytecode into machine code. Now, byte-code is an intermediate code translated from the source code. This code, unlike the machine code, runs on the JVM to be interpreted by different machines Java applications run on like Linux, macOS, Windows, etc.
JavaScript is an object-based scripting language that aids in the creation of interactive web pages. It is not part of the Java platform. This language adheres to all client-side programming constraints, allowing it to run in a web browser without requiring any resources or interference from the web server. JavaScript is a text-based programming language created by Netscape Inc.
Javascript breathes life into boring and static pages. It becomes one of the most important front-end languages, alongside HTML (HyperText Markup Language, which is used to create the layout of a web page) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) (Cascading Style Sheets, used to give style to the HTML layout like colour, background, font, etc. )
Because it is performed on the Java Virtual Machine, Java is a platform-independent Object-Oriented Programming language (JVM). JavaScript, on the other hand, is an object-oriented scripting language that aids in the creation of dynamic HTML pages. These days, Java vs. JavaScript is a major issue of debate.
While Java is utilised for all server-side development, JavaScript is mostly used for client-side scripts like JS validation and interactivity.
Applications run
When we discuss Java vs. JavaScript, it's crucial to understand how these apps work. Applications written in Java or JavaScript run in quite different ways. Java creates apps that can run in a browser or on a virtual machine, whereas JavaScript creates applications that can only run in a browser.
Compiled vs Interpreted
JavaScript is an interpreted scripting language, whereas Java is a compilation language. Both of these languages work in different ways. JavaScript is evaluated immediately by a browser in the syntax in which it was written, whereas Java code is compiled into bytecode and run on the Java Virtual Machine.
Java is an object-oriented and class-based general-purpose programming language. It's a high-level language with multi-threading capabilities. Java continues to be a key player in the software development market. The following are some of the major benefits that Java provides to its users:
⮞ Platform-independent
⮞ Multi-Threading
⮞ Robust and Secure
⮞ Dynamic and Extensible
Both Java and JavaScript offer numerous benefits to consumers. We've already explored the advantages of utilising Java; now let's look at the benefits of using JavaScript.
⮞ Client-Side Scripting Language
⮞ Procedural Programming Features
⮞ Concurrency
⮞ Powerful Frameworks
Java | Javascript |
Because Java is a tightly typed language, variables must be declared before they may be used. The type of a variable is checked at build time in Java. | JavaScript is a scripting language with a more permissive syntax and set of rules. |
Java is a class-based object oriented programming language. | JavaScript is a prototype-based scripting language. |
Multi-threading in Java supports and ensures concurrency, making the programme faster and more efficient. | Concurrency or several events at the same time are not supported by JavaScript. |
The source code in Java is hidden behind byte code, which cannot be accessed by unauthorised or third-party users. | Javascript is a scripting language that runs code on a browser that is visible to everyone in plain text. |
Java was built with the primary goal of keeping source code safe. And it has a lot of features to back it up. | With plain text visibility to everyone, JavaScript's source code isn't particularly safe. For strict security, programmers must add functions. |
Conclusion: After reading this article on Java versus JavaScript, you will have a better understanding of both of these prominent languages that have changed the app development business. While Java makes your programme more safe and resilient, JavaScript improves the app's look and feel.