Features about AngularJS

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Logicmojo - Updated Aug 28, 2021

Features about AngularJS

Let’s see why angularJS is one of preferred framework for software development

AngularJS is one of the most versatile and popular frameworks available today. Google introduced it in 2012. It provides a scalable infrastructure that supports Google’s largest applications.

Here is a list of features that AngularJS offers

🚀 Model View Controller (MVC) Framework
MVC is a software design pattern for developing web applications. It is made up of:
Model: the first level of the pattern which is responsible for maintaining data. It is similar to primitive data types like booleans, numbers, strings or objects. It is the simplest script without any getter and sorter methods.

View: responsible for showing portions of data to the user. They present the data in a particular format triggered by the controller’s action.

Controller: controls the interaction between the Model and the View. It responds to user input and interacts with the data model objects. The controller receives the input, validates it, and then conducts the operations.

In AngularJS, you just need to partition it into MVC and Angular takes care of the rest. This feature of AngularJS saves the developer a lot of time and tedious work.

🚀 User Interface with HTML

AngularJS takes the assistance of User Interface with HTML to design the UI, making it a bit different from other frameworks. It is hard to adapt to shorter labels. However, Angular makes these short labels simple to use and execute. It gives an essentially better, and highly efficient interface, without raising any costs.

It is a declarative language which has shorter tags and is extremely easy to comprehend. Even the interface it provides is organized, smooth, and structured.

🚀 Routing

Routing is basically the transition from one view to another. Now, this is the key aspect of single page applications.

The ngRoute module helps your application to become a Single Page Application.

In single page applications, everything comes in one single page. Developers don’t want to redirect the users to a new page every time they click on a menu or a sub-menu. The developers want the content to load asynchronously on the same page with just the URL changing.

🚀 Two-way binding

Data binding is the automatic synchronization of data between the view and the model. The view indicates the HTML and the model indicates the JavaScript variables.

With two-way data binding, the application's presentation layer becomes very simple. As a result, the UI is clean and has an improved appeal. Also, complex data manipulations and calculations can be done with ease.

🚀 Active community on Google

Whenever you want to adopt a framework for development, you always look for good community support. AngularJS doesn’t disappoint here either. Why? Because Google maintains AngularJS. In addition to that, it is released under the MIT license and is available for download on GitHub. So, if you have any maintenance issues or get stuck somewhere, there are many forums where you can get your queries solved. Also, if you have any suggestions or any can improve something, the source is easily available for download.

🚀 Directives

Directives are the most challenging Angular features. You can create custom HTML tags serving as custom widgets with the help of directives. Developers can use these to decorate behavior-driven elements. You can also manipulate DOM attributes as per needs with the help of directives.

Directives are attributes with the prefix ng- before their action.
 • The ng-app directive initializes the application.
 • The ng-init directive initializes the data.
 • The ng-model directive connects the value of the controls to the data.

<div ng-app="" ng-init="firstName='Ravi'">

<p>Name: <input type="text" ng-model="firstName"></p>
<p>You wrote: {{ firstName }}</p>



AngularJS is a great multi-functional framework which speeds up your development process. It offers dependency injection and deep linking, and is a robust platform for software development.