Hi, I am Pratik Mishra. I graduated in Computer Science from CMR Institute of Technology. During my placement season, I realized I was lacking in data structures and algorithms (DSA). Throughout college, I focused on web development skills but never worked on DSA. As placements approached, I was rejected in the coding interview rounds at DeShaw and Adobe because I couldn’t code the DSA questions. After graduating, I began searching for a course to learn DSA. Thankfully, I found Logicmojo and by the end of the course, I was able to crack an interview at Nokia. I highly recommend that all working professionals in service organizations who are targeting product companies focus on preparing DSA thoroughly.
My first impression of Logicmojo was positive, especially with the way Trees and Graphs were taught. I found the program to be highly structured, progressing from brute-force to improved and then to optimal approaches, which enhanced my interest in DSA. Every DSA question discussed in class covers techniques and patterns to identify problems and determine the best approach to solve them. For example, the instructor follows a structured pattern: covering all BFS-based problems together before moving to the next concept. This approach builds a solid intuition for candidates on how to approach a problem and solve it using efficient data structures.
I feel this is the best DSA course I have attended so far. The course covers all DSA based problems in depth. Logicmojo provides both live lectures and recordings, which helps me revise DSA topics over the weekends and works well with my office schedule.
The community at Logicmojo is helpful and active. Our Slack group included both peers and instructors who help us with doubts. I usually got my questions answered within 30 minutes to one hour. The groups were active even late at night, helping to clear students' doubts from the day. Additionally, there were five dedicated doubt sessions each month and one-on-one sessions with instructors were available if something complex came up.
As for the classes, I learned under the exceptional guidance of Mohammed Shirhaan, who played a significant role in my understanding of DSA. While recorded lectures were provided, attending the live classes was highly beneficial for maintaining consistency. I attended 90 to 95% of the classes live.
The mentors played a key role in my success. My instructor guided me toward the software development field and helped me understand the importance of data structures and algorithms in a company. After our sessions, I was able to speed up my learning. I still use his feedback on mock interviews and resume building to this day. During the course, we covered all the DSA questions commonly asked in interviews. By practicing the assignments provided by our instructor, I felt confident in cracking any coding interview.
The Logicmojo team arranged DSA mock interviews, and after passing them, they provided job referrals for Intuit and Nokia. I couldn't crack the Intuit interview, but I received an offer from Nokia. Finally, I interviewed at a few companies and successfully secured an offer at Nokia.
Logicmojo is a great place to learn data structures and algorithms, whether for job interviews or a career switch. This course is designed with working professionals in mind, so if you’re committed, you can balance it with a full-time job. The mock interviews are excellent; they helped me prepare for an actual interview environment. The course is well-structured with deadlines and assignments, which kept me motivated throughout my learning journey.