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Logicmojo - Updated Jan 9, 2024

What is Deep Learning?

Deep learning is a subset of machine learning that empowers machines to simulate human intelligence and problem-solving capabilities. These machines use multi-layered neural networks to work, think, learn, and act like humans. A neural network is a powerful artificial intelligence technique that processes data similarly to a human brain, the process works by using neurons in a layered structure representing how biological neurons work together to conclude.

A deep learning model can extract characteristics, features, and relationships from raw and unstructured data. These models perform specific tasks with the data repeatedly to improve the accuracy of the result. Deep learning improves the automation process by performing analytics and physical tasks without human intervention, such as fraud detection, autonomous vehicles, digital assistance, and transcribing.

what is deep learning

How deep learning works?

Deep learning neural networks, also known as artificial neural networks, aim to simulate the human brain by combining input information, weights, and bias. These components collaborate to accurately recognize, characterize, and define objects in data.

data science course

Deep neural networks are composed of numerous layers of interconnected nodes, with each layer improving and optimizing the prediction. Deep neural networks are modeled after the human brain just like the human brain contains millions of interconnected neurons that work simultaneously to process information and learn. Similarly deep neural networks are made of multiple artificial neuron layers which work together to train from data. The layers of the neural network transform data through a series of interconnected nodes to learn the representation of input data .

Artificial neural networks are deep learning algorithm that uses artificial neurons called nodes, these nodes use mathematical calculation to solve complex data. Once the neural network is trained it is used to predict with new data. Deep learning AI can be used for different machine learning models to process data, these include supervised machine learning, unsupervised machine learning, and reinforcement learning:

Supervised Machine Learning:

Supervised machine learning is a technique that uses labeled datasets to train neural networks. Here each training input will have an input feature along with an output value. The training models make predictions based on the input provided and compare with the known output to make corrections. Deep learning algorithms such as Recurrent neural networks and Convolution neural networks are used for performing supervised tasks including recognition, image classification, language translation, etc.

Unsupervised Machine Learning:

In unsupervised learning techniques, neural networks learn to find patterns or structures within the provided unlabelled datasets. The deep learning model identifies the hidden patterns and relationships in the datasets. Autoencoders and generative models are deep learning algorithms used for unsupervised machine learning tasks such as clustering, anomaly detection, and dimensionality reduction.

Reinforcement Machine Learning:

In the reinforcement machine learning technique agent learns by interacting with its environment to maximize cumulative rewards. The agent uses deep learning to learn from the positive and negative responses through a feedback loop until it reaches a desirable range of rewards. Deep Q networks and Deep Deterministic Policy Gradients are the deep reinforcement learning algorithms used for tasks such as game playing and robotics.

What are the components of a deep learning network?

Each layer in a deep neural is interconnected one after the other. Each neuron receives input from the previous layer or input layer. The output of one neuron is the input of other neurons, this process continues until the output layer produces the valuable result. The three components of a deep neural network are outlined below:

what is deep learning

Input layer:

Several nodes feed data into an artificial neural network. The system's input layer is made up of these nodes. The first layer receives input from external sources and passes the input to the next layer which is the hidden layer.

Hidden layer:

The data is processed and passed to the next layer of the neural network by the input layer. These hidden layers process information at various levels, adapting their behavior as new information is received. Deep learning networks have hundreds of hidden layers that can be used to analyze a problem from various perspectives.

For instance, if a human is provided with a picture of an unidentified animal to categorize, they would make a comparison to animals they are familiar with. Let’s say they would examine the shape of its eyes and ears, number of legs, and body size. They would identify animal characteristics as follows:

  1. If the animal has a trunk it could be an elephant.

  2. The animal has a cat eye so it could be a cat.

Deep neural network hidden layers function similarly. When a deep-learning algorithm attempts to classify an image of an animal, each layer will try to understand each feature of the animal and attempt to categorize it correctly.

Output layer:

The nodes that output the result comprise the output layer. The output layer which provides results as "yes" or "no" has only two nodes. And, the output layer with a broader category of answers will have more nodes.

Types of Deep Learning Networks

types of deep learning

1. Perceptron

Perceptron in deep learning

The Minsky-Papert perceptron model is among the probably the easiest and oldest Neuron models. It is the smallest neural network unit that performs specific computations to detect features or business analytics in input data. It takes weighted inputs and applies the activation function to get the final result. TLU stands for perceptron (threshold logic unit)

Perceptron is a binary classifier that is a supervised learning algorithm that classifies data into two categories.

2. Feed Forward Neural Networks

Feed Forward Neural Networks in deep learning

The most basic type of neural network, in which input data flows in only one direction, transferring via artificial neural nodes as well as exiting through output nodes. In areas where hidden layers may or may not exist, input and output layers are present. They are also categorised as a single-layered or multi-layered feed-forward neural network based on this.

The number of layers is determined by the function's complexity. It has only one way of propagating forward and no way of propagating backward. Weights are fixed in this case. Inputs are increased by weights to feed an activation function. A classification activation function or a step activation function is utilized to accomplish this.

Applications Of Feed Forward Neural Networks

  • Simple classification

  • Pattern Recognition

  • Computer Vision

  • Sonar Target Recognition

  • Speech Recognition

  • Handwritten Characters Recognition

3. Multilayer Perceptron

An entry point into sophisticated neural nets, where input data is routed through multiple layers of artificial neurons. Each node is linked to each and every neuron in the next layer, resulting in a completely connected neural network. There are input and output layers, as well as several hidden layers for a total of approximately three or more layers. It has bidirectional propagation, which means it can propagate both forward and backward.

Inputs are incremented by weights and supplied into the activation function, in which they are modified in backpropagation to start reducing loss. Weights are simply machine-learned values from Neural Networks. They identity based on the differences between predicted and training outputs. Softmax as an output layer activation function is used after nonlinear activation functions.

Applications Of Multilayer Perceptron

  1. Speech Recognition

  2. Machine Translation

  3. Complex Classification

4. Convolutional Neural Network

Convolutional Neural Network in deep learning

In place of the standard two-dimensional array, a convolution neural network has a three-dimensional arrangement of neurons. The first layer is referred to as a convolutional layer. Each convolutional layer neuron only processes information from a small portion of the field of vision.

Like a filter, input characteristics are taken in batches. The network understands images in segments and can perform these processes numerous times to finish the entire image processing. The image is converted from RGB or HSI scale to greyscale during computation. Further changes in pixel value will aid in detecting edges, and pictures can be divided into various categories.

Applications Of Convolutional Neural Network

  1. Video Analysis.

  2. Anomaly Detection

  3. Machine translation

  4. Checkers Game

5. Recurrent Neural Networks

Recurrent Neural Networks in deep learning

Recurrent Neural Networks are constructed to store the output of a layer and feed it back into the input to predict future the layer's result. The first layer is generally a feed forward neural network, followed by a recurrent neural network layer in which a memory function remembers some data from the previous time-step.

In this particular instance, forward propagation is used. It saves information that will be needed in the future. If the prediction is incorrect, the learning rate is used to make minor adjustments. As a result, it gradually improves towards making the correct prediction during backpropagation.

Applications Of Recurrent Neural Networks

  1. Text to speech processing

  2. Time Series Anomaly Detection

  3. Machine translation

  4. Music Composition

6. Restricted Boltzmann Machine

RBMs are a whole other type of Boltzmann Machine. The neurons in the input layer and the hidden layer have symmetric connections between them. However, no inbuilt association exists inside the respective layer. However, unlike RBM, Boltzmann machines include interconnections within the hidden layer. These constraints in BMs enable the algorithm to train more efficiently.

Applications Of Restricted Boltzmann Machine

  1. Filtering

  2. Feature Learning

  3. Risk Detection

  4. Business and Economic analysis

7. Deep Neural Networks: DNN

It refers to a neural network that combines a certain degree of complexity, indicating that many hidden layers are included between the input and output layers. They excel at modeling and processing non-linear relationships.

8. Deep Belief Network: DBN

DBN is a multiple-layer network (typically deep, with several hidden layers) in which each connected pair of layers is just a Restricted Boltzmann Machine (RBM). As a result, we can say that DBN is a collection of RBMs. DBN comprises multiple layers of latent variables ("hidden units"), with connections between both layers but not between each layer.

DBNs generate output using probabilities and unsupervised learning. In contrast to other models, DBN learns the entire input. The first layers of CNNs single most important filter inputs for basic features, and the subsequent layers recombine all of the simple patterns discovered by the previous layers. DBNs work holistically, regulating each layer in sequence.

Deep Learning Models: How to Create and Train Them

The three most commonly used applications of deep learning for object classification are:

Deep learning process

Scratch Training

To train a deep model from scratch, you must first collect a massive amount of labelled data and then layout a network architecture which will discover the features and model. his is beneficial for brand-new applications or applications with a sizable amount of output categories. This is a less popular method because these networks typically take days or weeks to train due to the large amount of data and rate of learning.

Transfer Learning

The transfer learning approach is used in the majority of deep learning applications, which includes fine-tuning a pre - trained model. Begin with just a current network, like AlexNet or GoogLeNet, as well as feed in new data with previously unknown classes. After a few network tweaks, users can now perform a given mission, such as categorising only dogs or cats rather than 1000 different objects. This has the added benefit of requiring far less data (needed to process thousands of pictures rather than millions), reducing computation time to minutes or hours.

Feature Extraction

Using the network as a feature extractor is an a little less common, more specialised approach to deep learning. Because each layer is tasked with learning specific characteristics from images, we can extract these features from the network at any point during the training phase. These characteristics can then be fed into a machine learning model like support vector machines (SVM).

Difference Between Deep Learning and Machine Learning?

Difference Between Deep Learning and Machine Learning

Machine Learning and Deep Learning are both subsets of Artificial Intelligence with many similarities and differences. Both are data-driven models used to make predictions and decisions, these models are trained on data to learn patterns and improve over time.

Machine learning Deep Learning
Machine Learning is a superset of Deep Learning. Deep Learning is a subset of Machine Learning.
The machine learning model requires a smaller amount of datasets to train. Deep Learning models trained on large datasets as compared to machine learning.
Works better with structured data with manual feature extraction. Efficiently process unstructured data without manual feature extraction.
Machine learning implements statistical algorithms to extract features, characteristics, and relationships from the dataset. Deep Learning uses neural network architecture to extract hidden patterns, characteristics, and relationships from the datasets.
Works well on the CPU as it requires less computing power as compared to deep learning. Deep Learning demands high-performance computers with specialized GPU to train.
Require less training time with more human intervention to learn. Require longer training time with less human intervention as it learns from the environment and past mistakes.
Machine Learning is employed for various applications such as Regression, Classification, and Clustering. Deep Learning is employed for various complex tasks such as Autonomous systems, Natural Language Processing, Image Processing, and Speech Recognition.
Example: A recommendation system that works on predefined categories. Example: A chatbot that learns and improves over time from user interactions and past experiences.

Applications of Deep Learning

Applications of Deep Learning are growing rapidly, it is a revolutionary change digital era that is being used by an increasing number of businesses to develop entirely new business models.

Computer Vision

Computer vision is a discipline of Artificial intelligence that uses machine learning and deep neural networks to drive meaningful insight from visual inputs such as images and videos. These include image classification, semantic segmentation, and object detection.

Computer visions are trained by providing algorithmic models with lots of visual data to analyze and teach themselves about the provided context. The computer with enough data will analyze over and over until it discerns and recognizes the images. For example, to train a computer model to analyze wear and tear in car parts, the model will require to be fed with huge quantities of car parts images such as engine images to learn the difference and identify parts with no tear or manufacturing defects. Some main applications of computer vision are as follows:

Image Segmentation: Deep learning models are used for image segmentation to identify specific features within given images.


  1. Autiomotive: For segmenting different parts of the road such as dividers, lanes, and vehicles for autonomous driving.

  2. Healthcare: For segmenting tumors and healthy tissues during diagnosis

Image classification: Deep learning models classify images into different categories such as people, animals, and plants.


  1. Manufacturing: Image classification is used in the quality control process to identify defects in products.

  2. Marketing: In social media platforms, suggest different tags by classifying friends in photos, which streamlines the user experience.

Object Detection: Object detection is used in deep learning models to detect different objects within visual inputs allowing models to detect obstacles.


  1. Retail: Visual searches in e-commerce use object detection to recommend items similar to the user's wardrobe

  2. Agriculture: Detect pests, weeds, and diseases in crops through drone images to improve agriculture

Natural language processing:

The computer combines computational linguistics with statistical and machine learning to understand and generate human language in text and speech format.

NPL allows models to translate text from one language to another, respond to human commands, and authenticate users based on their voice. Deep learning models and RNN learning techniques allow the NPL system to master and extract factual meaning from vast amounts of raw and unstructured voice data. Some of the common applications of NPL are outlined below:

Automatic text generator: The deep learning model learns from the collection of text and new text is generated from these models. The model can then learn how to spell, punctuate, form sentences, and even capture the style.

Speech recognition: The deep learning model can recognize and transcribe spoken words into written text. For example, smartphones with voice-to-text features in search engines.

Sentiment analysis: Deep learning models can analyze sentiments from a text, this determines whether the text is positive, negative, and neutral. This is usually used in social media, and customer service applications to categorize user’s positive and negative comments.

Question answering system: Deep learning models can understand the context of users' questions and provide them with accurate answers.

Reinforcement learning

In reinforcement learning, the deep learning model works as an agent that interacts with the environment to learn making decisions. The agent's goal is to maximize its rewards over time and learn from the consequences of its actions. Some application of reinforcement is outlined below:

Healthcare: Deep reinforcement learning models can manage hospital resources and optimize treatment plans.

Robotics: Deep reinforcement learning is used in robotics to train models to perform difficult tasks navigating and making decisions.

Game playing: Deep learning is used in developing game-playing agents that have outperformed human experts in games including Chess, Go, and Atari.

Generative AI

Generative AI is a field of Artificial intelligence where models can autonomously generate text, audio, video, and images from a user’s prompt or request.

In generative AI, deep learning models can learn from the existing data and generate new content. Generative AI handles diverse fields which include generating images, audio, video, social media content, and emails. Many businesses are exploring how generative AI can improve their workflow and enhance their product and services. Common applications of generative AI are:

Advertising and marketing: Generative AI can create social media content, slogans, and marketing advice for businesses. AI can create personalized logos, images, and other visual elements for advertisement.

Art and Design: Artists use generative AI to create digital art, and some clothing brands create patterns and designs according to new fashion trends.

Gaming and Virtual Reality: Generative AI models can create unique games, and build 3D avatars and virtual worlds with landscapes, characters, and buildings.

What are the challenges of deep learning

Deep learning has evolved in wide-ranging fields but some challenges need to be addressed during its practical implementation:

1. High quality of data requirement:

Deep learning necessitates a large amount of high-quality data to train. Furthermore, more powerful and precise models will require more parameters, which will necessitate more data.

2. Large processing power:

Training deep learning models requires infrastructure with sufficient computing capacity and computationally expensive hardware, GPU, and TPU.

3. Interpretability:

Deep learning algorithms are complicated, and it is not easy to interpret results.

4. Overfitting:

The deep learning model may become vulnerable to overfitting when trained again and again, this leads the model to learn noise in data and perform inefficiently on new data.

5. Bias:

Deep learning can be biased depending on the training data, and this results in inaccurate and partial predictions.

Advantages of Deep Learning

1. Automated feature engineering:

The deep learning model eliminates manual feature engineering, they learn automatically from data and discover patterns.

2. High accuracy:

The deep learning model provides high accuracy in speech recognition and NPL with their complex algorithms.

3. Scalability:

Deep learning model can learn from complex and large datasets, and improve performance with their scalability.

4. Data-driven learning:

Deep learning data-driven models require less human intervention for training which increases the efficiency and scalability. These models train themselves from the data being generated continuously from sensors and social media.

5. Advanced capabilities:

Deep learning empowers advancement in many fields that were challenging to achieve earlier such as autonomous vehicles, natural language processing, and recommendation systems.

Disadvantages of Deep Learning

  1. Deep learning models require large amounts of data and computational resources to train

  2. The need for large amounts of labeled training data can be expensive and time-consuming

  3. It is difficult to interpret and understand how deep-learning models make decisions

  4. Overfitting in dep learning results in poor performance on new data


1. What is deep learning in AI?

Deep learning is a subset of AI, deep learning focuses on training neural networks with provided data through hundreds of hidden layers. These neural networks are designed to mimic how the human brain works.

2. Why is deep learning important?

Deep learning is important because they work with both structured and unstructured data whereas machine learning works with only structured and semi-structured data. Deep learning can automatically predict complex features from raw data. Deep learning has various applications such as virtual assistance, self-driving cars, and robotics.

3. How do neural networks work in deep learning?

Neural networks consist of multiple layers of interconnected neurons. The input layer processes data and passes it on to the next layer, hidden layers process information at various levels, adapting their behavior as new information is received. Deep learning networks have hundreds of hidden layers that can be used to analyze a problem from various perspectives. The result is provided through the output layer.

4. What are the skills and technologies required for deep learning?

Becoming proficient in deep learning involves extensive technical expertise. The list below outlines some specific skills and systems required for mastering deep learning:

-TensoFlow, Apache Kafka

-Machine learning and AI programming languages



-Dynamic programming and coding

-Applied mathematics

-Natural language processing

-Neural network architecture

5. Why is deep learning used?

Large-scale data interpretation and information generation are made quicker and simpler using deep learning. It is employed in a variety of sectors, including automated driving and medical equipment.

6. What is an example of deep learning?

Deep learning is a subset of machine learning that empowers machines to simulate human intelligence and problem-solving capabilities. Some examples of deep learning are listed below:

-Natural Language Processing (NLP)

-Speech Recognition

-Self-Driving cars



-Recommendation System

7. What are the three types of deep learning?

The three main types of deep learning are:<\p>

Supervised Learning: In supervised learning models are trained on labeled datasets, and models are provided with each input value and the corresponding output value from training

Unsupervised Learning: In unsupervised learning models are trained on unlabeled datasets, and models will try to find the hidden patterns from unstructured data.

Reinforcement Learning: In reinforcement learning an agent train themselves by interacting with the environment. The agent receives responses as negative and positive and learns to maximize its rewards

8. What is the difference between Machine Learning and Deep Learning?

Machine Learning is a subset of AI that focuses on training algorithms to make predictions or decisions based on data. Deep Learning is a subset of Machine Learning that uses neural networks with many layers (deep neural networks) to model complex patterns and representations.

9. What is the main limitation of deep learning?

The main limitation of deep learning is its requirement for large amounts of labeled data and significant computational resources. Additionally, deep learning models can be difficult to interpret and are often seen as "black boxes."

10. What is the future of deep learning?

The future of deep learning involves advancements in model efficiency, interpretability, and the ability to learn from less labeled data. It is expected to drive innovation in various fields such as healthcare, autonomous systems, and natural language processing.


Deep Learning represents a transformative leap in artificial intelligence, it is a versatile field capable of understanding, detecting, and resolving problems. When blended with other technologies, artificial neural networks can automate many industrial processes and extensive applications, from virtual assistance to autonomous cars. With consistent research and development to overcome obstacles, deep learning, and neural networks have the potential to contribute to some of humanity's pressing challenges.

Good luck and happy learning!