TCS Interview Questions

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TCS hires year-round. On-campus and off-campus drives are available. TCS also holds many hiring exams each year, including the following:
⮞ TCS NQT(National Qualifier Test)
⮞ TCS Digital
⮞ TCS Codevitta

Recruitment Rounds

First Round is TCS online assessment round
Next round is one Technical Interview
Third and the last one is HR/MR Interview

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TCS Interview Questions and Answers

Explain the purpose of a linked list?

The information and the link are the two pieces of a linked list. A unique pointer named start marks the beginning of the list in single connected listening. This reference does point to the first element of the list, and each node's link component is an arrow pointing to the next node, but the list's last node contains a null pointer pointing to the preceding node. The linked list can be readily browsed using the start pointer.

In Java, how well do you understand inheritance?

The inheritance process in Object-Oriented Programming is based on classes. The data members and properties of a parent class are passed down to a child class through inheritance. A sub-class or a child class is a class that is derived from another level, and the type from which the child class is derived is known as the super-class or parent class.

What distinguishes C from C++?

C++ is considered a superset of C. Object-Oriented Programming, Exception Handling, and a comprehensive C++ Library are just a few of the new features in C++.

What do you mean by static variable?

Static variables have the ability to keep their value even after they have been removed from their scope! As a result, static variables retain their original value in their previous scope and are not re-initialized in the new scope.

What do you mean by macros?

Macros are code segments of a programme that have been given a name. When the compiler detects this term, it replaces it with the actual piece of code.

In C, what are structures?

A structure is a user-defined data type in C/C++. A structure defines a data type that can be used to combine objects of potentially multiple types into a single type.

State What is The Difference Between A Foreign And A Reference Key?

The foreign key is used to link the secondary and primary tables together. At the same time, a reference key is a primary key that is used when column level constraints are created. The database can join two entire tables with a common constraint using a reference key.

What do you mean by Virtual Function and Pure Virtual Function?

Virtual Function: Polymorphism in object-oriented programming is achieved by declaring the function in the base class as virtual. The virtual method is another name for the virtual function. To offer polymorphic behaviour, a function with the same signature can override the behaviour of a virtual function or method within an inheriting class.

Pure Function: A pure virtual function is a member function of a base class that is declared in the base class but implemented in the derived class. Abstract classes are the only ones that have pure virtual functions.

What exactly is metadata? What is its function?

Metadata is information about the data stored in an HTML document. Thetag is used for this. Browsers, web services, and search engines can employ metadata to store information such as keywords, page descriptions, and latest changed dates.

What is the distinction between classes and user interfaces?

• A class can be instantiated by producing an object, however interfaces cannot be instantiated because all of the methods in the interface are abstract and perform no action, therefore instantiating an interface is pointless.

• The class keyword is used to declare a class, whereas the interface keyword is used to declare an interface.
Members of a class can have access specifiers like public, protected, and private, but members of an interface cannot; all members of the interface are declared public because the interface is used to generate another class. Accessing specifies within an interface's members will be useless.

• The methods in a class are defined to do some actions on the fields declared in the class, whereas the ways in an interface are entirely abstract.

• A class can implement as many interfaces as it wants, but it can only extend one superclass at a time. Interface, on the other hand, can reach any number of interfaces but cannot perform any of them.

• A constructor can be specified within a class to declare the fields within the class, however an interface does not have one because there are no fields to be initialised.

What are the advantages of DBMS

The following is a list of many benefits of DataBase Management System:

• Data security has improved.
• Improved data integration
• Data inconsistency was minimised.
• Data accessibility has improved.
• Improved decision-making abilities.
• End-user productivity has increased.

Explain the various storage classes available in C?

There are four types of storage.

Auto: For variables declared inside a function/block, this is the default storage class. They can't be accessible outside of the block or function that produced them.

Register: The operation is same to auto, except that the compiler puts register variables in the microprocessor's register for faster access. Memory space is used if no free registers are available.

Static: These are only stated once, and their value is kept throughout the scope.

External: The external storage class's extern keyword allows the same variable to be reused and reassigned. If a value has been assigned to a global variable, it can be rewritten by using extern inside another function/block.

List the numerous methods for avoiding deadlock?

Techniques for avoiding deadlock include:

Mutual exclusion
Resource holding
No preemption
Circular wait

Distinguish between function overloading and overriding?

Function Overriding is the process of redefining a base class function in a derived class with the same signature. Return type and parameters, for example, whereas Function The redefinition of a base class function in a derived class with the same signature, i.e. return type and parameters, is known as overloading.

What do you mean by Access modifiers?

Access modifiers are used to accomplish Data Hiding, an important component of Object-Oriented Programming. In a class, Access Modifiers or Access Specifiers are used to control the accessibility of its members. That is, it places limitations on class members to prevent them from being directly accessed by outside operations.

What does a Friend class and Friend function mean?

A friend class has access to the private and protected members of other classes to which it has been designated as a friend. Allowing a class to access private members of another class is occasionally advantageous.

A friend function, like a friend class, can be granted special permissions to access secret and protected members.

What do you mean by a Subnet Mask?

A Subnet Mask is a number that indicates the range of IP addresses that can be utilised within a network. They have subnets or subnetworks assigned to them. These subnetworks are made up of LANs connected to the internet.

This Subnet mask is a 32-bit variable that splits an IP address into two parts: a network address and a host address. To create a Subnet Mask, set all network bits to "1" and all host bits to "0." Two network addresses cannot be assigned to any host on the network: "0" and "255," which are assigned to the network and the broadcast address, respectively, and so cannot be assigned to anyone.

What's the difference between JDK, JRE, and JVM?

The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) is an abstract machine that provides a runtime environment for the execution of Java byte-code. It's a document that explains how the Java Virtual Machine operates. Its adoption has been aided by Oracle and other companies. The programme that implements it is known as JRE.

JVMs are available for a wide range of hardware and software platforms (so JVM is platform-dependent). When the Java class is executed, a runtime instance is produced. There are three elements to the JVM: specification, implementation, and instance.

The abbreviation for Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is Java Runtime Environment. It's the Java Virtual Machine implementation. The Java Runtime Environment (JRE) is a set of software tools for developing Java programmes. It's in charge of setting up the runtime environment. It's the Java Virtual Machine implementation. It really exists. It is made up of a collection of libraries and other files that the JVM uses during execution.

JDK is an acronym for Java Development Kit. It's a programming environment for making Java applets and applications. It really exists. It comes with JRE and developer tools. JDK is a Java Platform implementation by Oracle Corporation, which includes the following platforms:

Java Platform Standard Edition
Java Platform Enterprise Edition
Java Platform Micro Edition

Without using a third variable, how will you swap two numbers?

There are many ways to do it, let's see one by one

int x = 5, y = 15;

   // Code to swap the values of x and y
   x = x + y; // x now becomes 20
   y = x - y; // y becomes 5
   x = x - y; // x becomes 15

int x = 5, y = 15;

   // Code to swap the values of x and y
   x = x * y; // x now becomes 75
   y = x / y; // y becomes 5
   x = x / y; // x becomes 15

This one is important for interview i.e using bitwise operation

int x = 5, y = 15;

     // Code to swap the values of x and y
     x = x ^ y; // x now becomes 20
     y = x ^ y; // y becomes 5
     x = x ^ y; // x becomes 15

Is the main method in Java required?

Prior to JDK 7, the main method in a Java application was optional. However, starting with JDK7, the main method is required. The compiler will initially check to see if main() is present. The error "main method not found in the class" will appear if your software lacks the main method.

In Java, what is a Null Pointer Exception?

A RuntimeException is a NullPointerException. An object reference in Java can be given a specific null value. When a programme tries to utilise an object reference with a null value, a NullPointerException is issued.

What are the two integrity rules in a database management system?

The two types of integrity rules are referential integrity rules and entity integrity rules.

If a primary key value is utilised as a foreign key in a child table, it cannot be modified due to referential integrity requirements. Let R and S represent two distinct relationships. Assume that R is linked to the relation S by a set of qualities that serve as the Primary Key for S and as a Foreign Key for R. In a tuple in R, the Foreign Key must be either equal to the Primary Key in a tuple in S or absolutely NULL.

Due to entity integrity, the main key value cannot be null. If an attribute X of a relation R(R) is a Prime Attribute of R, it cannot have null values (R). A Prime Attribute is an attribute that is part of the Candidate Key of a connection.

What is DBMS Deadlock?

A deadlock in a database occurs when two or more transactions are stuck waiting indefinitely for one another to release locks. Because it throws the entire system to a standstill, deadlock is one of the most feared DBMS concerns.

What's the difference between a Queue and a Stack?

A stack is a linear data structure in which elements can only be added or removed from the top side of the list. According to the LIFO (Last In First Out) principle, the element inserted last is the first to be removed from a stack.

A queue is a linear data structure in which elements can only be inserted from one side of the list, called the back, and only deleted from the other side, called the front. The FIFO (First In First Out) principle governs the queue data structure, which means that the element placed first in the list is withdrawn first.

What are interrupts?

An interrupt is a hardware feature that notifies the CPU when it needs to access a specific resource. An interrupt handler receives this interrupt signal and "tells" the processor to respond to the interrupt request by operating.

What do you mean by SDLC?

The term "software development lifecycle" or "application development lifecycle" is used in software engineering to describe the process of creating software. There are four stages to this process: planning, creation, testing, and deployment.

What is the difference between the operations i++ and ++i?

If the ++ sign appears before the index, the index is incremented first, followed by the operation. The index is incremented after the operation if the ++ sign is placed after the index.

What is garbage collection in Java?

The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) has built-in garbage collection. The garbage collector allocates memory space when the new() operator is invoked. When an item is no longer in use, the trash collector releases the space it occupies and reuses it for future allocation.

What are your thoughts on cloud computing?

Cloud computing refers to the on-demand availability of resources such as data storage and processing needs over the internet. The data is stored in massive data centres so that it is always accessible to end users. All services, infrastructure, software, and platform are stored as services in a shared computing environment. Amazon's AWS, Microsoft's Azure, and Google's cloud platform are all big participants.

In networking, what is tunnel mode?

Tunnel Mode encrypts both the contents and the original IP address information when sending data over the Internet. In a Site-to-Site VPN, it secures communications between security gateways, firewalls, and other devices. The Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) is employed in Transport Mode or Tunnel Mode. In Tunnel Mode, ESP encrypts both the data and the IP header information.

What do you mean by local and global variable?

These variables are defined in software modules such as functions, control statement blocks, and so on. Local variables have the value "garbage value" as their default value.

A global variable is a variable that exists outside of a function and is available to all functions. Its value can be altered by any function. Global value is set to zero by default.

How do struct and union data types differ?

The member with the largest size has the most memory space assigned to the union. Other members share the space. At any given time, the union can only store one value. Structs may hold several types of data without taking up too much memory.

What are database normalisation, joins, and keys?

Normalization is the process of efficiently structuring data in a database. The normalisation process has two goals: to minimise redundant data (for example, keeping the same data in multiple tables) and to guarantee that data dependencies are logical (only storing related data in a table). Both are critical because they limit the amount of space a database takes up and ensure that data is stored logically.

TCS Interview Questions

Tell us something about yourself.

Do you wish to change your domain? If yes, why?

Describe an experience of yours wherein you were asked to do something which you didn't like to do and how you handled it?

What are your strengths?

What are your weaknesses?

Why should we hire you?

What quality do you think a leader should have?

Interview Preparation Tips

Finding the right job requires a lot of effort and focus. A little advance planning will greatly improve your chances of making it to the interview stage. But, to be honest, the work is definitely worth it!

• "Self-confidence" is the first step toward a successful interview. If you are confident enough, you have already accomplished half of the project. Maintain a positive attitude and a grin on your face at all times.

• Prepare for your technical classes and practise answering standard HR and management interview questions. Above all, keep cool and confident, and you'll be OK.

• Answers should be short and sweet. Use no more word arts to explain the core solution. Don't waste your time with inefficient responses or useless questions. Any interviewer who observes you doing this will subtract points from your overall score.


This page has finally come to a conclusion. You should be able to design your own programmes with the material on this page and little study, and small projects are actually encouraged for improving your programming skills. A single course cannot possibly cover everything you need to know to be a good programmer. Programming is a never-ending learning process, whether you're a seasoned professional developer or a total beginner.


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