Advanced Course of System Design

Live Interactive Classes

  • System Design Complete Course
  • Learn System Design(HLD + LLD) & Design Pattern
  • Prepare for System Design Interviews
  • 3 months course Live Online Weekend Classes

Sign up in the best System Design online course in India. Learn from experts and get industry exposure.

Apply For Live Classes =
3 Months

Online Live classes

1:1 mentorship

Weekend Batch

29th July 2024

Batch Start Date

EMI 1,506/month

Easy No cost EMIs

1. What Does Logicmojo
System Design Course includes?

Master the skills of System Design with hands-on experience through real-world projects, and transition into a role of SDE. Swich your profile from service companies to top product companies.
Logicmojo's System Design Course includes the following features in the 3-month live course.

Live Interactive Sessions

Get Trained by MAANG Industry Experts Live classes

Practical experience through Projects

Practical experience through real-time projects

1:1 doubt clearing sessions

Personalized programs with Live classes and 1:1 doubt clearing sessions/mentorship sessions.

Job Assistance Program

Job Referrals in Product Companies, Resume Preparation Session and Mock interviews

Missed Classes ?

Attend multiple batches with multiple trainers if you miss any sessions or Topic for 1 Year subscription.

Life Time Access

Missed Classes, get lifetime access recorded lectures of all classes

peer to Peer Learning?

Slack group for peer-to-peer learning & discussion with batchmates. Hackerrank for 1:1 tests & GitHub for Code review.

Flexible Pay

Flexible EMI options on Credit cards and loan options on debit cards.

Assignments for Practise After Class

Practise question is key to crack interviews. Instructor provides assignments for all the topics covered in the class.

Competitive System Design Tests

Evaluate yourself in competitive coding tests with your batchmates.

2. Overview Of
System Design Advanced Course

Course eligibility

This course is primarly designed for working professionals and Freshers. Talk to our counsellors for profile review before joining

Flexible Course

Attend multiple batches with multiple trainers along with lifetime access to the course content.

1:1 mentorship

Personalized programs with Live classes from industry experts and 1:1 doubt clearing sessions.

Get ready for system design interviews

Prepare for system design rounds in 3 months of preparation

Land in your dream job with real work experience

Learn from FAANG companies
Experts & Transform your Career

4. What you’ll learn in the Course?

System Design Basics

Approach of system design problem, discuss requirement, API, data model, system components, system interface, Consistency, Availability, Latency.

Distributed System Basics

Distributed Database, Load Balancer, Distributed Cache, CDN, Cache Eviction Policies, Push & Pull Mechanism, CAP Theorem etc.

Cloud Architecture Deployment

EC2 Instance configuration, Docker Container Deployment, cloud-native development, Pods, Running Web App in docker

Design Patterns

SOLID Design pattern, Singleton design pattern, factory & abstract factory design pattern, Builder design pattern, observer design pattern etc.


SQL Relational/Non- Relational Database/ and NoSQL – key/value Model, Cassandra, MongoDB, Redis etc. Document Databases, Graph Databases.

Kubernetes, Docker Deployment

Scalability (Latency, Throughput, vertical scaling, Horizontal scaling), AWS, Kubernetes Architecture & ecosystem, Long-Polling, web-sockets etc.

Distributed Cache, Database Sharding

Caching, Cache Eviction Policies, Consistent Hashing, Zookeeper, Pooling & Streaming Concepts, Publish/Subscribe Pattern, Map Reduced.

Microservice Architectures Details

Monolithic vs microservices, micro-service Architectures, fault tolerance scalable system, Service Discovery, Distributed Tracing and Monitoring etc

Microservice HLD/LLD design examples, Kafka, Zookeeper

Design System using microservice architecture, High level and low level internal system design, message queue, Kafka, API gateway,Service mesh

Scalable System Design Problems Discussion

Design Problems of Real world system, Tiny URL, paste bin, Uber design, Facebook design, G-Map, Swiggy location based system, Mail server(Gmail) , WhatsApp etc

High level Design(HLD) + LLD(Low Level Design)

Understanding all scalable distributed system design, HLD and LLD detail design discussion, Detail Architectural Design flow, Distributed Components etc

System Design Interview Questions

System Design Interview question discussion with various examples. How design works, how to explain the design & cover bottle neck design issues

5. What kind of projects are included as part of this System Design course?

Learn real-time system design from industry experts, and use your learning expertise in the course by designing system from scratch with HLD & LLD. Also, it enhanced your resume with good expertise in the design & implementation of real-time system.

  • Engage in collaborative real time system design discussion with student-mentor interaction
  • Learn faster in-person through guidance from expert mentors
  • Personalized subjective feedback on your submissions to facilitate quick improvement

BookMyshow Service Design

This is a beginner-friendly scalable real-time system using distributed system concepts. You will learn how to design with HLD/LLD a ticket booking system that supports synchronization. ...Scalable user interaction and payment gateway integrated into the system. End to end complete flow implementation of this system

Design Tiny URL

Design and Implementation of a system of TinyURL where URL shortening is used to create shorter aliases for long URLs. This is scalable system which can access by billions of users at the same time. ...Your system accepts the concurrent request from millions of ustomers and process their request with minimum latency and high efficient system

6. Which skills will I become an expert in after this Course?


Architecture Design


Distributed System






Database Management


Performance Optimization


Cloud Computing


Design Patterns


Reliability and Availability


API Design




Product Development



7. Which System Design tools would you learn?






Distributed Cache




Apace Spark


Elastic Search


Design Pattern











8. What are the Job Roles and Salary Expectations in Design Field?

Software Intern

Senior Developer

Senior Lead

Product Manager


Avg. Salary(LPA)

9. What is the Learning Path to become System Architect?

Get Trained

Submit Assignments

Work on Real Life Architectural Projects


Job Readiness

Intensive Interview Preparation

10. Why Logicmojo


Industry-Based Course Curriculum


Value Added Course: Projects on Microservice Architecture, REST, Cloud etc


Hands-on with
20+ Assignments


Job Readiness Program with our 2000+ partner companies


Support through Slack, Calls, & Whatsapp


Lifetime eLearning Access

11. What is the Logicmojo System Design Course Syllabus?

Advance system design course curated by leading faculties and industry leaders to provide pratical learning experience with live interactive classes and detail design.

  • • Techniques to start discussing the problem statement scope
  • • Define all design constraints in the system
  • • Finalizing the scalability, the system will support

  • • System capacity/size estimation with number of users access it
  • • Finalizing the target environment (Tools, library or open sources)
  • • Concise the problem, support the scalability

  • • Identify system level REST API to access the recourses.
  • • Define parameters, return types JSON
  • • Finalize read/write/delete/paste API possible in the system

  • • Identify all the data models & business logic involved in backend
  • • Identify all functional/Non-functional components involved
  • • Finalize state machine, service layer & interfaces

  • • Check reliability and redundancy
  • • Components required to make low latency system
  • • Database finalization, Metadata Sharding etc.

  • What is recursion, how to analyse recursion in call stacks .
  • Distributed Hash Table, LRU, In-memory Data Lookup.
  • Memcache, Read-Through, Write-Through Cache .

  • DNS, http/https, Dos, web server, abstraction layer
  • Scheduling algo, Round robin, FCFS
  • One to many, many to one communication

  • Vertical scaling, Horizontal scaling, which is better
  • Data Partitioning, Partitioning method.
  • Heartbeat, Checksum, encoding vs decoding methods, SSL

  • Synchronous asynchronous communication services
  • Publisher subscription model, MQ client/publisher
  • Proxy/No proxy load balancer configuration

  • • DNS mapping, Namespace server configuration
  • • Encryption, authentication & authorization, https header
  • • Deploy Zookeeper cluster in a distributed environment

  • How system can achieve CAP
  • CP, AP, CA system examples
  • Consistency, Availability in databases, NoSQL

  • Distributed query processing, transaction management .
  • In Memory Databases, Caching in a distributed system
  • Event queue, fault tolerance, Consistent hashing

  • Load balancer in cloud computing, AWS
  • Content delivery network(CDN), reduce Latency
  • Reducing bandwidth, Increasing content availability and redundancy

  • Push, Poll architecture, pooling, webhooks
  • Polling and Streaming, Long pooling, webSocket

  • Master slave architecture, Leader Follow Architecture
  • Message ordering in pubsub, Kafka, ActiveMQ

  • Database sharding, replication, Key/space DB
  • Sharding architectures and types
  • Data integrity and non-repudiation, digital signature
  • Horizontal/vertical partitioning, partitioning vs sharding

  • Design video streaming service YouTube/Netflix

  • Design TinyURL Service with scalable HLD and LLD design

  • Design Ride sharing service Uber/Ola

  • Design Online Search engine and there page ranking & web crawler features architecture.

  • Design System with geolocation mapping system

  • Design Newsfeed Service in Facebook

  • Design Twitter like social networking service & its tweet search features

  • Design Instagram social networking service

  • Design API Rate Late Limiter

  • Design WhatsApp/Facebook Chat Service

  • Design Mailing service Like Gmail/Yahoo

  • Design System that supports Event Based Architecture

  • Design Calendar booking service like Google Calendar

  • Design Railway reservation system Like IRCTC

  • Design Online bus booking system like RedBus

  • Design Online ticket booking system like BookMyShow

  • How microservice architecture is better than monolithic architecture
  • Event-driven architecture, microservice architecture introduction

  • Design patterns for Microservices

  • Migrate a monolithic application to microservices

  • Load Balancer, Distributed Tracing
  • Monitoring, heartbeats, index server, load balancer
  • Scalable web applications, Stream processing

  • Fault tolerance, Service Discovery
  • API gateway , Auto-Provisioning, Resilient Services
  • Database Design in a Microservice Architecture

  • Single-Responsibility Principle.
  • Open-Closed Principle
  • Liskov Substitution Principle
  • Interface Segregation Principle
  • Dependency Inversion Principle

  • Design & implement Singleton Design Pattern

  • Design & implement Factory Design Pattern

  • Design & implement abstract factory design pattern

  • Design & implement Observer Design Pattern

  • Design & implement Strategy Design Pattern

  • Design & implement Decorator Design Pattern

  • Design & implement Adapter Design Pattern

  • Container, Images, Use configs with a Nginx service.
  • Configuring Docker environment, create Docker image

  • Connect & connect to EC2 instance using SSH

  • Managing Container with Docker Commands

  • Running Web App in docker container

  • Deployment App using docker-compose

  • MySQL, SQL joins, SQL queries etc.
  • Normalization, Persistence, ACID property

  • Key-value stores, such as Redis and DynamoDB
  • Document databases, such as MongoDB and CouchDB
  • Wide-column databases, such as Cassandra and HBase
  • Graph databases, such as Neo4J and Infinite Graph

  • Scalability, Low Latency, Fault Tolerant
  • Cassandra vs MongoDB vs Redis
  • Uses and application of Cassandra
  • Uses and application of MongoDB
  • Uses and application of Redis
  • Uses and application of Memcached
  • Uses and application of DynamoDB

  • Big Data Architecture, Database Sharding
  • Database Scaling – Horizontal vs. Vertical
  • Database Read Replicas, Database Caching

  • Data partitioning using simple hashing, Znodes
  • Architecture, Hierarchical namespace, Session, Watches

  • Data storage: Redis vs Memcached
  • How Redis scales, How Redis achieves persistence
  • How Memcached scales
  • Which is better: Redis or Memcached

  • Distributed queues and topics
  • How does ActiveMQ work ?
  • Features of ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ
  • Deployment, Synchronization methods, Messaging Techniques

  • Kafka streams using AWS cloud
  • Installing and running spring kafka, topics, producers
  • Kafka Streams project, RESTful application Kafka
  • Apache spark Query Execution
  • Handling Data Skew in Spark Joins
  • Data Caching in Apache Spark

Program highlights

  • 85+ Hours Live sessions
  • Scalable System Design
  • 1:1 Doubt Session
  • 1 Year Subscription
  • Life time accessibility
  • Job Assistance Program
  • Peer to peer Learning
  • Mock Interview

Live System Design Demo Session For Upcoming Batch

Scalable System Design Course (HLD+LLD) - 3 months Course

Live Classes Will Start From 29th July.This is a Live Demo Session For Upcoming Batch.We Prepare Candidates For MAANG Companies System Design Interviews Rounds

Upcoming 3 Months. We Focus on Scalable System Design Part, Archirectures & Internal Design of Many Scalable System Model with HLD + LLD. End to End Complete preparation for System Design Rounds.

Mentor - Diwakar Choudhary

Diwakar stands out as the finest instructor at Logicmojo, renowned for his superior teaching methods. Diwakar is 14+ Years of Industry Experince.

Diwakar worked as an Architect in top product organizations like WalmartLabs, Visa as well as Citrix, He also has relevant teaching experience of 6 Years. He focus more on techniques of solving problems and tricks to solve any design problems. Diwakar will be tutoring the candidates for the upcoming batch starting the 17th of June. You can find his Live Demo Class Recording.

High demand for quality coding skills across all product companies in the world

Enhanced your salary by learning Scalable system design techniques

Top 2 Tech Role


Top 3 In-Demand
Tech Job

Tech Republic




Source: Indeed, Bureau
of Labour Statistics


Average Annual
Base Salary (2018 - 2020)


Salary Growth
Annual (2020-2025)


Software Developer
Job Listings Growth,
Annual (2019-2024)

Career Impact

> 50%

of all jobs in the top income quartile show significant demand for coding skills

Get Hired

Work on real time system to get hired at:

Our experts hail from

Our experts hail from

Grab valuable certification

Course Completion Certification

Experience Certification

Participate in projects to earn a certificate of project experience. Additionally, begin preparing for your desired job.

  • Step by step program for gradually enhancing coding skills up to the level of FAANG companies.
  • Learn from experts in live interactive classes, practice problems with the like-minded people
  • Get placed in product companies after completing comprehensive training of Data structures & Algorithms from Bangalore's leading institute. Also, boosting your confidence to appear in MNC interviews.

Talk with our expert

How Logicmojo stands out

The strong-points of Logicmojo

  • We have a free trial live session for all candidates before joining starting the batch.
  • Clarify all your queries during the F2F session from your mentor before attending the course.
  • You don't need to pay the amount in one go. We have a flexible plan available where users can join the course in EMI options of 3 month/6 months/1 year plan with no interest.
  • Free profile/resume review from our Counsellor before joining the batch. Eligible candidates can join the batch.
Talk with our expert

How to apply?

Follow these 3 simple steps to the admission process.

Attend Free Demo Session

Have live session with your mentor

Talk to Expert

Schedule on call with Counsellor

Ask any query before joining

Get Started

Join online live session

program by enrolling

Upcoming Cohort Deadline

The admission closes once the required number of applicants enroll for the upcoming cohort. Apply early to secure your seats and get started on your professional artificial intelligence and machine learning training.

29th July 2024

Course Fee

Pay Monthly
Pay on a monthly basis up to 6 months
Pay At One Go
Early bird discount 15%
USD 385
Connect with Counsellor for Discount

Got Question regarding next cohort date?

System Design Course FAQs

Live Interactive Course


    You can attend a free demo class from your mentor before joining the course. This session will go around 90 min of duration. You can clarify all your doubts during this live demo session before joining the batch.

    We offer fully online classes via live sessions due to the outbreak. That means you can talk to your instructor in real-time, just like a traditional face-to-face session. Additionally, at this time, all practical sessions of our data structures, algorithms & problem solving course will be conducted using cloud-based services.

Firstly, we offer live online classes for our Data Structures, Algorithms & Problem solving course. Also, all of our students have access to recorded versions of those classes. In addition, we also give you unlimited access to these recorded sessions, so you can go back to them whenever you need theoretical help for your interview preparation. As a result, you need not be disappointed if you miss any of the live classes under our online training. However, we strongly advise you to participate in all live classes.

Most importantly, if you do not understand an entire module under the DSA live course, you can repeat the same class with another batch. Thus, leaving no chance for you to remain in confusion about the learning modules.

After completion of the demo class, we offer 15% early bird discount for the next 10 days. If you join within 10 days after the demo class, you will be eligible for a discount.

  • Weekend Classes : 3 hours (Saturday & Sunday)
  • Duration: 4 months

10,000+ Happy students

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